11 dic 2008

Ornitología Granatensis:Willier,Cantos Básicos&Bibleos Rematados

Describir el agradable y musical canto del Jilguero es empresa difícil e inútil, puesto que es un pájaro tan popular y apreciado que pocas son las personas que no lo han observado de cerca alguna vez. La combinación de notas musicales y gorjeos, junto con silbidos melodiosos y alguna nota raspante que no todos intercalan, es sonido habitual en la campiña Ibérica.

"Todas las artes aspiran a la condición de la música, que no es otra cosa que forma. La música, los estados de felicidad, la mitología, las caras trabajadas por el tiempo, ciertos crepúsculos y ciertos lugares, quieren decirnos algo, o algo dijeron que no hubiéramos debido perder, o están por decir algo; esta inminencia de una revelación que no se produce, es, quizá, el hecho estético" [ J.L. Borges ]

"La Música debe renunciar a hacer de sí misma la imagen, siquiera trágica, de la verdadera vida. Encarna, por contra, la idea de que ya no hay vida" [ Th. W. Adorno]

"Nuestra armonía consiste en lucha de sonidos, equilibrio perdido, principios que caen, inesperados redobles de tambor, grandes preguntas" [ V. kandinsky]

"La cosa más difícil del mundo es ponerse en el diapasón del ser y coger el tono" [E.M. Cioran] " El problema no es <<>>, sino la claridad con la que emerge la voz" - M.Cacciari-

10 dic 2008


Jimi Tenor: Deutsche Grammophon ReComposedDeutsche Grammophon, 2006
1. Steve Reich: Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ 2. Esa-Pekka Salonen: Wing on Wing 3. Pierre Boulez: Répons, Section 14. Erik Satie: Vexations, Version 1 5. Edgard Varèse: Déserts 6. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Symphony No. 2 Op. 9 "Antar", 1. Largo 7. Erik Satie: Vexations, Version 2 8. Steve Reich: Six Pianos 9. Pierre Boulez: Messagesquisse, Tres rapide 10. Edgard Varèse: Ionisation 11. Erik Satie: Vexations, Version 3 12. Georgi Sviridov: Choral Concerto without words in memory of Alexander Yurlov, no. 3 Chorale
Arrangements: Jimi Tenor
Jimi Tenor: Deutsche Grammophon ReComposedTrack by track with Jimi Tenor
1. Steve Reich: Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ I went to Ilpo Väisanen´s house to record the intro. He had made a plate reverb there, from a plate I found on the roof. I just put though it some passages of various tracks. At least this one and Ionisation has some of that plate sound. It´s rough. By the way, Lary7 had showed us how to make these plate reverbs. Cheers Lary!Otherwise the track is some sort of a mutant reggae. Not very minimal after my arrangement, I´m afraid.
2. Esa-Pekka Salonen: Wing on Wing I bought a Nepalese drum from a gift shop and played it to every track for a while. It didin´t fit into this version but there are some incredible writing for French horns in the original.
3. Pierre Boulez: Répons, Section 1 Thanks Pierre letting me mess with your tracks! Would be nice to see one of this special performances with speakers here and there. 4. Erik Satie: Vexations, Version 1 I love Satie because he was the original hippie. Or rather last real bohemian artist, what I have understood. I played my piano in this one. It was so out of tune people have thought I played "prepared piano"! I had it tuned a week later… 5. Edgard Varèse: Déserts I am a big fan of Varese. I felt I need to do something a bit different to be worthy. Judge yourselves. 6. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Symphony No. 2 Op. 9 "Antar", 1. Largo These big orchestra pieces are a pain to destroy! Always instruments coming in, going out! Never a proper place where to make a clean edit! What where they thinking about in those romantic old days?
7. Erik Satie: Vexations, Version 2 This version was made without "being played". It was all step written and played with a Korg Polysix, which has a very basic sequencer in it. Uh, if not all, but say 90% of the sounds.
8. Steve Reich: Six Pianos I was seriously worried what Mr Reich would say about this. I think I made a real beautiful song, but still. 9. Pierre Boulez: Messagesquisse, Tres rapide I wanted to make some kind of a blue grass track out of this. Horsehair flying! 10. Edgard Varèse: Ionisation A classic. I made what I could. I made many versions and destroyed them. This one was left. 11. Erik Satie: Vexations, Version 3 Mongo Aaltonen plays a drum set in this one. Well done Mongo! 12. Georgi Sviridov: Choral Concerto without words in memory of Alexander Yurlov, no. 3 Chorale I had visited an old monastery in Kiev and this was influenced by the experience. A bit scary, I hope.